If your business is suffering as a result of recent difficult events such as Covid19 or the loss of a major customer, or is struggling with cashflow and is under pressure from key creditors such as HMRC or a bank, LMS can help. We offer resolutions to help turnaround, as well as insolvency such as: Bad Debt Tax arrears Loss of a significant customer Failure of a key supplier Lack of investment in the business Delays in production Sudden departure of key staff LMS understand that many companies experience difficulties when it comes to HMRC liabilities, and we can assist in restructuring this nature of debt. LMS can also negotiate to repay these arrears over a sensible period, giving your business every opportunity of survival. This method has provided the opportunity for companies with short-term problems to succeed. We provide clear advice for businesses that wish to grow to the next level and businesses that are underachieving. We don’t just help companies go insolvent....although we can do if that’s the right solution? What is your perception of Insolvency Practitioners? Did you know that we also provide turnaround services?
Contact Our Team Today on 0161 864 3824 or email us on info@landamsltd.com #business #debtadvice #commercialfimance